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Hey Alexa
"Play Power88.FM
Power88.FM can be accessed by first enabling the skill on your Alexa device and using the following invocation:
"Alexa, play Power Eighty Eight Dot F. M."
Here are the steps to follow using an Alexa Device.
Step 1: Say "Alexa enable Skill."
Alexa will ask which skill you want to enable
Step 2: Say "Power Eighty Eight Dot F. M."
Step 3: Once the skill is enabled, say "Alexa, play Power Eighty Eight Dot F. M."
When the skill is active and playing, you can find out the name of the song that is playing by doing the following:
Step 1: Say "Open Power Eighty Eight Dot F. M."
Wait for Alexa to respond
Step 2: Then say "What is the song name?".
Let us know if you have any questions and have a great rest of your day!
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